Path to Joy
One Yoga's 200 Hour
Yoga Teacher Training
It is a 200 hour yoga teacher training certification program that teaches you how to live present in each moment and find peace and purpose. It is a journey to learning how to live yoga every day, to experiential practices that clear and cleanse the physical, mental and spiritual bodies; and it is a course that gives you all the tools you need to live your best life!
This unique comprehensive program includes:
The Journey Within In-Person kick-off Thursday January 2, 2025, 5:30-10:30pm
Asana, pranayama, meditation, lecture, discussion, sharing, experiential learning, practicum, assisting and practices for living yoga in each class.
Personal guidance and spiritual coaching.
Fire ceremony graduation celebration.
Yoga Alliance Certification upon completion of the course.
Important Information:
Should you enroll in a class and your schedule changes, you are able to switch classes. And should you have to miss a class due to unforeseen circumstances, make-up classes are available.
Payment plans are available but tuition must be paid in-full prior to the start of the YTT.
The classes follow the school calendar so national holidays are recognized as time off.
Discover and Grow
Yoga Training Techniques and Practice: In-depth study of the postures, purpose, benefits, modifications and class sequencing. Techniques include: Hatha, Vinyasa, Therapeutic Yoga, including Chair / Limited Mobility practices. You will learn about creating safe space, the class container, its structure, symbolism, meaning, and designing classes for specific populations. Meditation, breathing and MBSR techniques are taught weekly to provide each student the opportunity to experience and learn the benefits of practice.
Anatomy and Physiology: Basics of anatomy, muscular skeletal systems, connective tissue, the nervous system, and interrelated issues of injury and imbalance. Principles of functional movement and the kinetic chain.
Teaching Methodology: Is grounded in: (1) the belief that we as yoga teachers represent living examples of the principles and practice of yoga; (2) we offer verbal, directive, energetic, or hands-on loving healing touch to help each student with their practice; and (3) we facilitate reintegration of the mind-body-spirit connection through universal truths.
Philosophy and Spiritual Connection: Rooted in classical tradition (The Eight-Limbed Path, Ayurveda and Vedanta), understanding the chakras, spiritual anatomy, energy and pranayama practices.
Practicum: Practice teaching and learning the art of hands-on adjustments, observation and assists.
Integrating Yoga and Ayurveda: Ayurveda restores balance of bodily systems using diet, herbal treatment, Dinacharya practices and yogic breathing for remedial health.
The personal practice of living yoga on and off the mat.
The business of yoga, yoga therapy and applications.

Live the Teachings and Experience Your Best Self!
It all begins September 28, 2024.
Thursdays 5:30pm – 10:30pm @ Tula Yoga, Dover, DE (26 classes) Schedule
Registration Information:
$3,250 Standard Tuition
Pay in full by Sept 1, 2024 and Save $300 with code YTTSAVE300 at checkout ($2,950 total)
Summer Special Payment Plan: Register before July 31, 2024 and pay just (10) Monthly Payments of $325
Don't Wait!
Due to the nature of this work, class size is limited and will be filled on first-come basis. Please enroll now and reserve your space in this tremendous course.
The required texts will change your practice forever. The Heart of Yoga by T.K.V. Desikachar, Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff & Amy Matthews, Teaching Yoga by Donna Farhi, The Power of Yoga by Susan Smith

Don Miller
One Yoga’s training transformed my life. As a man I was hesitant to take the Yoga Teacher Training class even though I had been practicing yoga for over a decade. The YTT training transformed my life and my yoga practice. It took my practice from advance exercises and stretches to a full body-mind-soul experience. One-Yoga’s training transformed my life from an unexamined one to one of introspection and thought-filled actions. As I endeavor to live the eight limbed path of yoga I discover more about myself and the world around me.